PIP costs & safety

Current playground safety standards are unsafe

Pour-In-Place (PIP) installation costs are generally start in the $12 to $15 per foot range, and up from there, easily making it about three times more expensive than rubber mulch initially, up to 8x more expensive over 25 years. You have to pay extra for 444% to 700% greater likelihood of traumatic brain injury (TBI) or death on PIP vs the average loose-fill rubber mulch. PIP only lasts for 10 to 12 years, effectively, often with severely diminished impact attentuation properties by then (especially in the highest wear areas that crack & peel, then need patching every 2 to 3 years at $2 to $3 per square foot). These repairs aren't often done properly, using too much binding agent, causing a loss of about 50% of its former elasticity and impact protection. 


In other words, the base of swings, slides, ladders, climbing equipment, or anywhere extra fall protection is needed most is where PIP breaks down the quickest, hastened by the effect of sunlight on the EPDM wearcourse, and will likely lose 50% of the safety it had after an improper repair. Those same areas might require patching another 2 or 3 times, which can become  useless for fall injury protection at that point. PIP fall injuries are among the worst, and over the 25 year plus lifespan of rubber mulch, you could be spending $48 per square foot for PIP!


PIP creates a perfect giant Petri dish, due trapping heat, air & moisture, which is the perfect conditions for microbes and bacteria to spread and grow (anyone remember your high school biology class?). Salmonella, Streptococcus & Staphylococcus are the most commonly found, and it's normally accompanied with lots of other nasty stuff. Playgrounds have been found to have 2,000x more bacteria than a public bathroom doorknob, and whatever is growing inside PIP is even worse than that!